Craft, Culture, Connection and Conservation

Growing up in Illinois, I was captivated by the wonders of animals and nature, a fascination that has deeply influenced me. A pivotal moment in my childhood was watching a documentary that featured a family of cheetahs clambering over a photographer's car, sparking a lifelong awe for the wild. As I grew, so did my passions, with travel carving out a significant place in my heart. My initial solo journey took me from Illinois to North Carolina, winding through the breathtaking landscapes of The Great Smoky Mountains. Over the years, my adventures have led me to stay in National Parks across the West Coast, immersing myself in the untamed beauty and drawing inspiration from those majestic wilds for my art.

My creative journey has evolved to include woodworking, a craft that not only allows me to connect with nature through the tactile beauty of wood but also brings me closer to my Italian roots. The process of selecting lumber, finding pieces that boast straight grains adorned with intricate swirls and knots, and constantly refining my technique, is profoundly fulfilling. The madia I craft, used for pizza making, is a nod to my heritage and a centerpiece of family gatherings. Pizza nights have become a cherished tradition in my home, where the ritual of making and proofing the dough, layering the sauce and cheese, and baking it in our outdoor oven is a collective labor of love. My six-year-old daughter's involvement in every step is a testament to the joy and unity it brings to our family.

In every piece I create, whether it's a reflection of the natural world in my art or the functional beauty of my woodwork, the core values of craft, culture, connection, and conservation intertwine. My work is a celebration of the passions that drive me—honoring the beauty of nature, embracing the journeys that shape us, cherishing the bonds of family, and preserving the traditions that connect us to our past. Through my art and craftsmanship, I aspire to share these values with others, fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation for the intricate tapestry of life.

At Scacco Matto, we believe that art should do more than decorate your walls—it should tell your story. Our nature-inspired and soulful pieces are crafted to ignite passion, inspire curiosity, and bring the beauty of shared memories and the great outdoors into your home. Whether you’re a new homeowner, a nature enthusiast, or a new family looking to create an inspiring environment, our art transforms spaces into reflections of your unique journey and passions.